Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Time to part ways

I am so upset tonight. I had to part ways with my little love, Zeus. It broke my heart to see him go, and I had to hold it together in front of the lady to keep from looking like a total idiot. I have spent the last 3 1/2 years with Zeus, and I never thought I would have to do this. But we are possibly moving into an apartment, and we can not afford a $350 pet deposit to have him go. Crimson is so lost without Zeus. She has been with Zeus since she was 9 weeks old, and she doesn't know what to do without him. It hurts me about as much as it hurts Crimson.  I had planned on keeping him until his final days, but I guess things change. But I will always love Zeus Monkey, and will always have him in my heart!

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